How to Grow a Thriving Dubai Network

10 steps to developing a thriving Dubai network
Written by
Joel Mason
Published on
July 31, 2023

In this article I'm going to show you how to develop your professional Dubai network.

Developing a network is going to be key to your professional success in Dubai. But why is networking so important?

Dubai is a relational culture

The importance of networking is ingrained in the social fabric of Dubai. Networking is key to developing both personal and professional connections.

You can imagine how important this is in a city where most of the population is living far from home.

The inclusive nature of Dubai's expat community fosters a culture of connection. Networking in Dubai enables you to tap into vast pools of expertise and opportunity.

It's the networkers who get called about new job openings. It's the networkers who hear first about business ventures and investment opportunities. Trust me when I say a well developed network is one of the keys to success in Dubai.

Who should you network with in Dubai?

So now we've discussed the importance of a strong Dubai network, how can you get started?

It helps to know exactly who you should be networking with.

Industry professionals

A great place to start is by connecting with people inside of your industry. This might be people in other departments of your own company. But don't stop there, contact people in other companies who are further ahead of you in their career.

Find industry leaders, people from whom you can gain industry insights and guidance. These are likely to be the people who contact you about job opportunities in the future.

Dubai recruiters

Dubai recruiters are essential to a well developed network. They have unique insights and expertise in the local job market and always have their ears to the ground.

Dubai recruiters have their own well cultivated professional networks. Building good relationships with recruiters enables you to tap into their networks.

This is a surefire way to hear about exclusive job openings before they get advertised. Dubai recruiters are invaluable allies in your pursuit of career growth in Dubai. Download a list of the top 20 Dubai recruitment agencies here.

Cross-industry connections

Don't forget to extend your network outside of your own industry. Network with professionals from diverse industries to get exposed to more unique opportunities.

Alumni networks

Reach out to fellow alumni from your university or college. This is a great way to meet people who may be in a very different industry to you. Your university connection is an easy road into building a relationship.

Members of professional and social organizations

People who make the effort to attend organized events are usually open to networking. Strike up conversations and seek out those who have been in Dubai longer than you have.

They will have a deeper understanding of how Dubai works and can help you tap into their own established networks.

10 tips for building your Dubai network

These 10 tips will help you to begin building your professional Dubai network today!

1. Begin with genuine curiosity, not job requests

Don't begin your networking efforts by asking people for a job! This happens too much in Dubai and it instantly puts people off.

Instead, express genuine curiosity about the person you are engaging with.

Ask about their career paths, industry expertise, and the work they do. Ask how they ended up in Dubai and take an interest in them as individuals. This will make you memorable.

2. Invite people for coffee

People in Dubai are always open to a coffee, especially if you're buying!

Choose a location that's most convenient for them, somewhere close to their office. Work to remove barriers to meeting by offering flexibility in your availability.

3. Prepare thoughtful questions

Prepare relevant and thoughtful questions in advance before meeting with potential contacts.

Don't waste people's time and make sure you get the most from every interaction.

4. Ask for advice not help

People are more inclined to share advice than to make immediate promises or commitments.

When networking, focus on seeking advice and guidance from your contacts. People enjoy sharing their mind on subjects that interest them.

This approach takes the pressure off. By making no commitments they will be more likely to want to meet you again.

5. Treat every meeting as an informal interview

Be professional at all times. You never know who you're speaking with. You should always aim to leave a very positive impression on everyone you meet with. You should treat every meeting like an informal interview.

After all, you want this person to imagine themselves working with you or collaborating with you further. Be positive, refrain from criticizing former employers or moaning about your current situation.

6. Always ask who else you should be meeting with

Never leave a networking opportunity without asking who else you should connect with.

Imagine if you came away from every coffee meeting with two more connections. This approach expands your network exponentially and creates a web of connections that continues to grow as you interact with new people.

7. Quantity and quality: strike the right balance

It's good to meet and connect with many professionals. But remember to focus on maintaining a balance between quantity and quality.

Building deeper relationships with a select group of connections results in a richer network.

8. Use social media

In today's digital age, social media platforms are powerful tools for networking. Join professional groups and communities on LinkedIn.

Connect with people in your industry and engage in discussions. Make sure you leave meaningful comments and well thought out contributions.

9. Attend industry events and seminars

Dubai hosts a lot of large industry events. Gulf Food, Dubai Airport Show and GITEX are a few.

These events are excellent networking opportunities!

10. Follow up and maintain relationships

After each networking meeting follow up with a thank-you note or email. Express your appreciation for their time and insights and tell them you're looking forward to meeting again.


Growing a Dubai network is a gradual but essential process. Success depends on your ability to build authentic relationships and your willingness to invest your time.

Networking should be approached with a genuine interest in learning from others and providing value in return.

By following these tips and consistently expanding your network, you'll open doors to new opportunities, gain valuable insights, and enhance your career growth in Dubai's dynamic job market.

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